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Науково-методична робота - Англійська мова

З  досвіду  роботи  Людмили  Давиденко, керівника  методичного  об'єднання  учителів  іноземних  мов, старшого  вчителя





Тема уроку : Я, моя родина, мої друзі.

Індивідуальність людини. Кольорові ідіоми.

Цілі уроку :

  • удосконалювати вміння та навички аудіювання;
  • активізувати вживання тематичних ідіом у мовленні;
  • сприяти розвитку мовної здогадки;
  • розвивати вміння ефективно працювати в групах;
  • виховувати в учнів бережне ставлення один до одного, потребу в емоційній культурі.


Очікуваний результат на кінець уроку:

  1. правильно вживати ідіоми  з даної теми;
  2. вирізняти потрібну інформацію при аудіюванні з даної теми;
  3. спілкуватися у межах обраної тематики та на основі прослуханого тексту;
  4. обмінюватися думками, порівнювати предмети і людей, використовуючи мовні засоби.


Обладнання : картки з завданнями , роздатковий матеріал , магнітофон.


Схематичний план уроку

  1. Початок уроку. Організація класу. Повідомлення цілей уроку. – 3 хв.
    1. Парна робота « Ідіоми, які я знаю». – 2 хв.
    2. Прослуховування пісні «One last song». – 5 хв.
    3. Виконання лексичних завданнь. – 10 хв.
    4. Парно– проектна  робота “ Кольорові діалогі“. –18 хв.
    5. Пояснення домашнього завдання. – 1 хв.
    6. Підсумки уроку. – 1 хв.





Хід  уроку

1.Початок уроку. Організація класу. Повідомлення цілей уроку. ( на дошці записано) : Color Lesson.

Be a bit blue.

One last song.

Т.: Good morning dear pupils. How are you? Are you a bit blue? What are we going to do at today’s lesson? Are we going to listen to anything? How are three headings connected?

Ss answer the questions …

T.: Your answers were brilliant! And, yes, you are right we are going to learn idioms at today’s lesson. An idiom is a group of words in a fixed order that have a particular meaning that is different from the meanings of each word on its own. The key to speaking more like a native English speaker is to use and understand everyday English expressions.


2. Парна робота «Ідіоми, які я знаю».

T.: I am sure you know or remember some idioms from our previous lessons, let’s recall them. In pairs fill in “The Idiom Table”.

Ss split into pairs and fill in the given tables …


Body Idioms

House Idioms

Color Idioms

Spread yourself too thin

Home sweet home

a bit blue

Give somebody a cold shoulder

Have green fingers











3. Прослуховування пісні «One last song».

T.: Do you want to know more about color idioms? Then shall we listen to a song where you can find a color idiom? Before listening, look at the lyrics of the song, some lines are missing! Can you fill them in? ....  Now listen to the song and check your variants.

Ss try to fill in the lines firstly, then listen to the song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AXo-bYGXI4) and check their variants.

(Students’ copy)

Maybe one day

I won't sing about you

I'll sing a song about someone ______

But right here, right now

You are on my _______

And I think about you all the time

I'm sending a message to _______

And I'm hoping that it will get through


When it was good it was bittersweet honey

You made me sad 'til I loved the shade of blue

I know you don't want to talk to me

So this is what I will do

Maybe you're listening

So here's one last song for you

Here's one last song for you


And I hope it makes you feel

And I hope it makes you burn

And I hope it reminds you of how much it hurt

I'm sending a message to you

And I'm hoping that it will get through


When it was good it was bittersweet honey

You made me sad 'til I loved the shade of blue

I know you don't want to talk to me

So this is what I will do

Maybe you're listening

So here's one last song for you


In case you hear this

Then know you're the love of my ______

Want to tell you I'm sorry

I miss having you by my _________

When you were mine


When it was good it was bittersweet honey

You made me sad 'til I loved the shade of blue

I know you don't want to talk to me

So this is what I will do

Maybe you're listening

So here's one last song for you

Here's one last song for you



(Teacher’s copy)

Maybe one day

I won't sing about you

I'll sing a song about someone new

But right here, right now

You are on my mind

And I think about you all the time

I'm sending a message to you

And I'm hoping that it will get through


When it was good it was bittersweet honey

You made me sad 'til I loved the shade of blue(полюбить все оттенки грусти)

I know you don't want to talk to me

So this is what I will do

Maybe you're listening

So here's one last song for you

Here's one last song for you


And I hope it makes you feel

And I hope it makes you burn

And I hope it reminds you of how much it hurt

I'm sending a message to you

And I'm hoping that it will get through


When it was good it was bittersweet honey

You made me sad 'til I loved the shade of blue

I know you don't want to talk to me

So this is what I will do

Maybe you're listening

So here's one last song for you


In case you hear this

Then know you're the love of my life

Want to tell you I'm sorry

I miss having you by my side

When you were mine


When it was good it was bittersweet honey

You made me sad 'til I loved the shade of blue

I know you don't want to talk to me

So this is what I will do

Maybe you're listening

So here's one last song for you

Here's one last song for you


4.  Виконання лексичних завданнь.

T.: Look at the line in bold. Can you translate it? Does “blue” mean color here? Can you elicit the meaning of “be a bit blue”? Are you a bit blue? Why? Do you remember when you were a bit blue last time? When are you usually a bit blue? Can we add this idiom to  “The Idiom Table”?

Ss answer the teacher’s questions …

T.: Tired? Feeling stiff? Let’s move a little bit! Can you guess what the colors of the idioms on the board are?( colorful idioms are written on the board with gaps).







Ss stick colorful cards( green, white, red, black, blue) to the board.

T.: Having fun? Here you are some more interesting tasks with color idioms.

Ss are given worksheets with color idioms tasks.

Match the color idiom to its definition

Green thumb

completely unexpected

caught red-handed

great ability in gardening

white lie

odd one

out of the blue

catch smb. in the act of doing smth.

black sheep

a small lie to be polite


Complete the sentence with an idiom

  1. I didn’t like her dress, but I told a __white lie___________ because I didn’t want to offend her.
  2. That storm came __out of the blue_______________ and I didn’t have an umbrella!
  3. Rachel is the __black sheep_____________ in the family because she is an artist whereas everyone else is an economist.
  4. He was ____caught red-handed_____________________________ while stealing those candy bars.
  5. My mother has a ___green thumb________________, she can make anything grow.


Make the sentence of your own with color idioms


5. Парно– проектна  робота “ Кольорові діалогі“.

T.: Now imagine that one of you is a native speaker, the other one is an exchange student. The native speaker has used the color idiom in his speech; the exchange student is trying to learn what this expression means and when to use it.

Ss split into pairs and make up mini-dialogues using one color idiom in them.


6. Пояснення домашнього завдання.

T.: Our today’s work was not in vain. Use it in your homework: your school magazine has asked its readers to send in articles describing the situations when you felt a bit blue.


7. Підсумки уроку.

T.: Thank you for your active work, your marks for today are … .  Remember : “When you’re feeling blue and  can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine”.







Тема уроку : My family is unique.

(Я та моя сім’я. 8 клас).

Цілі уроку :

  1. удосконалювати  навички   аудіювання;
  2. розвивати вміння використовувати лексику по темі у діалогічному мовленні;
  3. активізувати вміння спілкуватися через розвиток діалогічного мовлення (

навчити діалогічного мовлення з допомогою створення ситуації спілкування).


Очікуваний результат на кінець уроку:

  1. розповідати про розподіл обов’язків у родині;
  2. наводити приклади взаємодопомоги членам родини;
  3. порівнювати сімейні традиції;
  4. обмінюватися думками, порівнювати предмети і людей, використовуючи мовні засоби;
  5. ставити та відповідати на питання про звички й повсякденні справи, вільний час, плани та наміри.


Обладнання : підручник Laser B1, картки з запитаннями , роздатковий матеріал , магнітофон.


Схематичний план уроку

  1. Початок уроку. Організація класу. Повідомлення цілей уроку. – 3 хв.
    1. Прослуховування пісні «Friends and family». – 5 хв.
    2. Виконання лексичних завданнь. – 10 хв.
    3. Парна робота « Моя сім’я – унікальна». – 10 хв.
    4. Парно– проектна  робота “ Інтерв’ю на екзамені з англійської мови“. –15 хв.
    5. Пояснення домашнього завдання. – 1 хв.
    6. Підсумки уроку. – 1 хв.

Хід  уроку

1.Початок уроку. Організація класу. Повідомлення цілей уроку.

Т.: Good morning dear pupils. I hope you are all in a good mood today. How are you?

Ss answer the question…

T.: If you are not fine, think about something that raises you spirits. It could be your family or friends. So today we are going to listen and talk about your family relationships and their influence on your life.


2.Прослуховування пісні «Friends and family».

T.: Do you like to sing? Let’s listen to and sing a song “Friends and family”, you should also find out who is “serious”.

Ss listen to the song on p.20 (Johnson Sarah, Stannett Katherine. Timesaver: Raps! For Learning English (Elementary - Pre-Intermediate) and answer the question (the answer is “brother”).


3.Виконання лексичних завданнь.

T.: Do you want to know more about this wonderful family? Let’s listen to the song again and do some tasks.

Ss listen to the song and do the vocabulary tasks 1, 2, 3 on the worksheets and check as a class.


4.Парна робота « Моя сім’я – унікальна».

T.: It’s high time to learn more about your own families. You will work in pairs and ask each other  “ Family discussion” questions about families and relationships. Be ready to answer the question: “ What is the coolest thing about your partner’s family?”

Ss work in pairs, interview each other and answer the question about “the coolest thing”.


5. Парно– проектна  робота “ Інтервю на екзамені з англійської мови“

T.: Imagine the situation that you are an exchange student or you are taking an international exam in English. What questions would you be asked first? Of course about your family! Let’s practice this interview now. Open your SB at page 75 and look at the Speaking section.

Ss do ex.1,2,3 in the SB and then role-play the interview with the English examiner.



Ex.1 p.75 Match the students’ answers to the examiner’s questions. There may be more than one answer for each question.

  1. Well, my dad’s a civil servant and my mum’s a doctor.
  2. Indeed I do. My siblings are named Doe and Sharon.
  3. Yes.
  4. There are four of us. Me, my sister and my mum and dad.
  5. My family consists of four members.
  6. My father is currently employed by the state and my mother practices medicine.
  7. Yes. I’ve got a brother and a sister. My brother’s called Simon- he’s a year older than me and my sister’s called Fiona. She is only seven.


  1. Have you got any brothers or sisters? Do you get on well with them?
  2. What’s your best friend like?
  3. How important is friendship to you? Why?
  4. Are you closer to your friends or your family?
  5. Who would you go to if you had a serious personal problem?
  6. Do you come from a large a family?
  7. What do your parents do?
  8. How would you describe your personality?
  9. What job do you want to do when you’re older?






Ex.2 p.75 Which answers in ex.1 are more successful and which are not? Explain why.

Ex3 p.75 In pairs role-play the interview with the English examiner using proper questions and answers from ex. 1.



6. Пояснення домашнього завдання.

T.: Our today’s work was not in vain. Use it in your homework: your school magazine has asked its readers to send in articles answering the question: “ What’s unique about your family”.



7. Підсумки уроку.

T.: Thank you for your active work, your marks for today are … .  Remember : “The family is like the forest: if you are outside, it is dense; if you are inside, you see that each tree has its own position”.


Family Discussion

  1. Tell about your family (mother, father, sister or brother)
  • Name
  • Age
  • Occupation
  • Appearance
  • Character
  • Likes\dislikes, hobby.



  1. Do you get on well with your parents?
  2. Do you get on well with your brothers and sisters?
  3. Do your parents let you stay out late?
  4. What time do you have to be home?
  5. What do you and your family like to do together?
  6. What was the most important thing your parents taught you?
  7. What's the best thing about your mom?
  8. What are your chores about the house?
  9. Do you often argue with your mother or father? What about?
  10. What do you think about your family?

Answers to the vocabulary tasks.

Task 1.

  1. my aunt
  2. my sister
  3. my uncle
  4. my brother
  5. my grandma
  6. my father
  7. my cousin

Task 2.

  1. is clever and funny.
  2. doesn’t laugh very much.
  3. finds it difficult to talk to people.
  4. gets angry quickly.
  5. is good and helpful.
  6. isn’t lazy.
  7. is intelligent.
  8. isn’t rude to other people.

Task 3.

  1. father
  2. grandma
  3. sister
  4. brother
  5. mother
  6. cousins
  7. uncle
  8. aunt



Урок « My family is unique» є частиною теми «Я і мої друзі. Стиль життя.» у 8 класі загальноосвітнього навчального закладу. Його основна мета: розвиток діалогічного мовлення, а саме:  навчити учнів спілкуватися в реальних та умовних комунікативних ситуаціях; вести прості повсякденні розмови без надмірних зусиль; ставити запитання і відповідати  на запитання, обмінюватися думками та інформацією на близькі/знайомі теми у передбачуваних повсякденних ситуаціях.

Тема уроку : My family is unique.

(Я та моя сім’я. 8 клас).

Цілі уроку :

  1. удосконалювати  навички   аудіювання;
  2. розвивати вміння використовувати лексику по темі у діалогічному мовленні;
  3. активізувати вміння спілкуватися через розвиток діалогічного мовлення (

навчити діалогічного мовлення з допомогою створення ситуації спілкування).



Очікуваний результат на кінець уроку:

  1. розповідати про розподіл обов’язків у родині;
  2. наводити приклади взаємодопомоги членам родини;
  3. порівнювати сімейні традиції;
  4. обмінюватися думками, порівнювати предмети і людей, використовуючи мовні засоби;
  5. ставити та відповідати на питання про звички й повсякденні справи, вільний час, плани та наміри.


Обладнання : підручник Laser B1, картки з запитаннями , роздатковий матеріал , магнітофон.


Схематичний план уроку


  1. Початок уроку. Організація класу. Повідомлення цілей уроку. – 3 хв.
    1. Прослуховування пісні «Friends and family». – 5 хв.
    2. Виконання лексичних завданнь. – 10 хв.
    3. Парна робота « Моя сім’я – унікальна». – 10 хв.
    4. Парно– проектна  робота “ Інтерв’ю на екзамені з англійської мови“. –15 хв.
    5. Пояснення домашнього завдання. – 1 хв.
    6. Підсумки уроку. – 1 хв.


Хід  уроку

1.Початок уроку. Організація класу. Повідомлення цілей уроку.

Т.: Good morning dear pupils. I hope you are all in a good mood today. How are you?

Ss answer the question…

T.: If you are not fine, think about something that raises you spirits. It could be your family or friends. So today we are going to listen and talk about your family relationships and their influence on your life.




2.Прослуховування пісні «Friends and family».

T.: Do you like to sing? Let’s listen to and sing a song “Friends and family”, you should also find out who is “serious”.

Ss listen to the song and answer the question (the answer is “brother”).


3.Виконання лексичних завданнь.

T.: Do you want to know more about this wonderful family? Let’s listen to the song again and do some tasks.

Ss listen to the song and do the vocabulary tasks 1, 2, 3 on the worksheets and check as a class.


4.Парна робота « Моя сім’я – унікальна».

T.: It’s high time to learn more about your own families. You will work in pairs and ask each other  “ Family discussion” questions about families and relationships. Be ready to answer the question: “ What is the coolest thing about your partner’s family?”

Ss work in pairs, interview each other and answer the question about “the coolest thing”.

5. Парно– проектна  робота “ Інтервю на екзамені з англійської мови“

T.: Imagine the situation that you are an exchange student or you are taking an international exam in English. What questions would you be asked first? Of course about your family! Let’s practice this interview now. Open your SB at page 75 and look at the Speaking section.

Ss do ex.1,2,3 in the SB and then role-play the interview with the English examiner.

Ex.1 p.75 Match the students’ answers to the examiner’s questions. There may be more than one answer for each question.

  1. Well, my dad’s a civil servant and my mum’s a doctor.
  2. Indeed I do. My siblings are named Doe and Sharon.
  3. Yes.
  4. There are four of us. Me, my sister and my mum and dad.
  5. My family consists of four members.
  6. My father is currently employed by the state and my mother practices medicine.
  7. Yes. I’ve got a brother and a sister. My brother’s called Simon- he’s a year older than me and my sister’s called Fiona. She is only seven.


  1. Have you got any brothers or sisters? Do you get on well with them?
  2. What’s your best friend like?
  3. How important is friendship to you? Why?
  4. Are you closer to your friends or your family?
  5. Who would you go to if you had a serious personal problem?
  6. Do you come from a large a family?
  7. What do your parents do?
  8. How would you describe your personality?
  9. What job do you want to do when you’re older?

Ex.2 p.75 Which answers in ex.1 are more successful and which are not? Explain why.

Ex3 p.75 In pairs role-play the interview with the English examiner using proper questions and answers from ex. 1.


6. Пояснення домашнього завдання.

T.: Our today’s work was not in vain. Use it in your homework: your school magazine has asked its readers to send in articles answering the question: “ What’s unique about your family”.

7. Підсумки уроку.

T.: Thank you for your active work, your marks for today are … .  Remember : “The family is like the forest: if you are outside, it is dense; if you are inside, you see that each tree has its own position”.


Family Discussion

  1. Tell about your family (mother, father, sister or brother)
  • Name
  • Age
  • Occupation
  • Appearance
  • Character
  • Likes\dislikes, hobby.



  1. Do you get on well with your parents?
  2. Do you get on well with your brothers and sisters?
  3. Do your parents let you stay out late?
  4. What time do you have to be home?
  5. What do you and your family like to do together?
  6. What was the most important thing your parents taught you?
  7. What's the best thing about your mom?
  8. What are your chores about the house?
  9. Do you often argue with your mother or father? What about?
  10. What do you think about your family?

Answers to the vocabulary tasks.

Task 1.

  1. my aunt
  2. my sister
  3. my uncle
  4. my brother
  5. my grandma
  6. my father
  7. my cousin

Task 2.

  1. is clever and funny.
  2. doesn’t laugh very much.
  3. finds it difficult to talk to people.
  4. gets angry quickly.
  5. is good and helpful.
  6. isn’t lazy.
  7. is intelligent.
  8. isn’t rude to other people.

Task 3.

  1. father
  2. grandma
  3. sister
  4. brother
  5. mother
  6. cousins
  7. uncle
  8. aunt


Тема уроку : Я, моя родина, мої друзі.

Індивідуальність людини

Цілі уроку :

  1. удосконалювати  навички вживання лексичних одиниць по темі “Характер людини”;
  2. розвивати навички аудіювання й усного мовлення з теми;
  3. виховувати правильне ставлення до людських  стосунків, а також загальну культуру учнів.


Очікуваний результат на кінець уроку:

  1. обговорювати особливості взаємодії особистості та групи;
  2. формулювати особисті ціннісні пріоритети;
  3. розуміти основний зміст телепрограми на знайому тему;
  4. висловлювати власні погляди й думки та запитувати про погляди й думки співрозмовника, обговорюючи теми, що входять до сфери особистих інтересів.


Обладнання : підручник Get 200 Book 1, картки з запитаннями та вікториною , телевізор, ноутбук.



Схематичний план уроку


  1. Початок уроку. Організація класу. Повідомлення цілей уроку. – 3 хв.
    1. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу – 5 хв.
    2. Перегляд тематичного відео та виконання  завданнь – 10 хв.
    3. Парна робота « Think – pair - share». – 10 хв.
    4. Парно– проектна  робота “ Relationships quiz“. –10 хв.
    5. Пояснення домашнього завдання. – 1 хв.
    6. Підсумки уроку. – 1 хв.



Хід  уроку

1.Початок уроку. Організація класу. Повідомлення цілей уроку.

Т.: Good morning dear pupils! I hope you are all in a good mood today! How are you?

Ss answer the question…

T.: If you are not fine, I am going to raise your spirits with amusing videos about some extraordinary people .We are going to listen and talk about certain traits of character and their influence on your life.



2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

T.: Do you like to watch YouTube videos? Let’s watch a video called “Whizz-kid”, be ready to explain who a whizz-kid is after watching the video.

Ss watch the video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ty33i4waFqE&t=4s) and elicit the meaning of the word “whizz-kid”.

*A whizz-kid is a young person who is extraordinarily successful or good at doing something.*

T.: Do you know other words meaning “extraordinary”? Let’s do a task and find them out.

Ss do ex.3 p.9 in Get 200 Book 1 and check as a class.



3. Перегляд тематичного відео та виконання завданнь .

T.: It’s high time to watch one more video about a whizz-kid. You will watch the video and try to answer the questions in the worksheets given to you, then in pairs ask and answer each other the questions. Be ready to answer the questions as a class.

Ss watch the video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0POHnKF2pH4&t=10s) work in pairs, ask and answer the questions about the video, check them as a class.




Worksheet “Ellen Degeneres meets Nate Selter”.

  1. What is Nate good at?
  2. What are you good at?
  3. How many US states did they mention?
  4. What places were on Nate’s map?
  5. How many things were on Antarctica?
  6. Who is on Russia?
  7. What did Nate draw on Africa?
  8. How many flags did he name?
  9. How many countries did he guess?
  10. “Mummy does have to see it.” (what grammar construction is it?)


Worksheet “Ellen Degeneres meets Nate Selter”(answers).

  1. He is good at identifying every place in the world.
  2. Students’ own answers.
  3. They mention 8 USA states that start with letter “M” (Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana).
  4. Antarctica, Russia, Africa were on Nate’s map.
  5. A penguin, an iceberg and a little ice cube were on Antarctica.
  6. Trump is on Russia.
  7. Nate drew the Pyramid and a tiger on Africa.
  8. He named 12 flags.
  9. He guessed 9 countries.
  10. It’s emphatic Present Simple.



4. Парна робота « Think – pair - share».

T.: Let’s zoom in the topic of extraordinary traits of character. What do you think about them? Do you know anyone extraordinary? What are your relationships with such people?

Ss do ex.1 p.8 in Get 200 Book 1 (1 minute – each student thinks what to answer to a question, 2 minutes – students discuss the question in pairs, 2 minutes – some students share their ideas with a class).



5. Парно– проектна  робота “ Relationships quiz

T.: It’s quiz time! Split into pairs and answer the questions in this quiz about people and their relationships. You will find clues in the pictures.

Ss do the quiz on p.38 from “Timesaver vocabulary activities: (pre-intermediate, intermediate)” by Julie Woodward.

6. Пояснення домашнього завдання.

T.: Our today’s work was not in vain. Use it in your homework: your school magazine has asked its readers to send in articles describing the most eccentric person you have ever met.


7. Підсумки уроку.

T.: Thank you for your active work, your marks for today are … .  Remember :  “It is strange that only extraordinary men make the discoveries, which later appear so easy and simple”.



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e-mail: universum95@ukr.net